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The backbone of a strong and growing business that comes from designing, building and optimizing a high converting marketing funnel.
A lot of things might be going great for you. But something isn’t. Maybe it’s your lead strategy, maybe it’s your copy, maybe it’s getting cold traffic to convert. Maybe it’s something else entirely.
You want things to be better.
You want to be able to help people using your own skills, talents, and knowledge. You want to worry less about money. You want to have the freedom to be your own boss, and to spend more time with your family. And you know it’s possible for you…
Otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this right now.
Congratulations on that. I really mean it. Because it puts you waaay ahead of the game, and unlike most people, you’ve got a great shot at actually getting what you want.
But right now, here you are. Looking for that solution. The one thing that’s finally going to pull together your business strategy and get you to the next level you’ve been dreaming about.
Well, I’ve got something that WILL help. It’s helped me. I’m sharing it right now with a whole lot of people and it’s helping them. And I’d like to share it with you.
If you decide to join me, you’ll get where you want to go, no question about it.
But the road between here and there might not be pretty.
See, I don’t believe in all that "get rich quick" bull.
I don't do the "magic pill" "easy button" "get rich overnight" crap.
As a matter of fact, it makes me absolutely FUMING mad to know how many people are suckered in by false promises, and end up with nothing to show for it.
A lot of people out there disagree with me. They'd argue that people want to hear that the solution is easy, so that's what you have to sell them.
But I don’t believe it. I believe in speaking the truth.
And I like to give people the credit they deserve, because they know, deep down, that those "overnight solutions" don’t work.
The truth about success—the real truth—is incredibly empowering and freeing… IF you can handle it.
You buy every course they can find, and spend hours, days, and weeks reading, watching and taking notes. You say "what a great idea"... but never implement a single one. You feel stuck in a theoretical world, because you never feel quite "ready" to go out and try something.
You're all alone with your big dreams, with no one there to ground you to reality, to tell you what's realistic (and what isn't), what's a good idea (and what's not). It's lonely out there in internet-land, and you need support and a sounding board.
Maybe you know where you want to end up... but have no clue how to get there. You have plenty of enthusiasm, but not enough experience. Here's where a mentor can show you the exact steps you need to take, and the right connections to help you move forward.
Because I've figured out the simplest way to solve all of these problems at the same time.
It's not a magic, overnight solution. There is some work involved.
But I guarantee that you'll get where you want to go if you follow it.
But before I do, let me ask you...
You have heard of marketing funnels and think it could be good for your business but you don't know where to start and don't have the confidence of what to build or how to apply it to your business....
You have a great idea for your marketing funnel, but you've spent countless hours trying to build it, and you're sick of the frustration of wrestling with code and battling tech gremlins...
Your marketing funnel is up and running but it's not going as well as you'd like, and you're not sure what metrics to track or how to interpret those numbers to get better results...
Your marketing funnel is getting you results but you are looking to scale your business and get a consistent, predictable flow of traffic, leads and customers every single day...
I was fed up with hearing stories about good people with a great idea, just like you, being left stuck and let down in their pursuit of marketing funnel success, thanks to:
Thankfully, all of that is behind you...
Being a member of the Club will enable you to:
“I remember having email contact with Todd and him explaining how he could help my businesses. Even from his emails I know he was the man that I needed to help run and grow my businesses/websites. We arranged to meet up and have a chat about how things could work. The first time we met he gave me a run down about how he could help me. He was very thorough, diligent and professional in his approach and the way he went about things.
Because of how impressed I was by Todd in the first meeting, I was curious to see if he was going to back up his words and he hasn't let me down at all. He is always available and willing to help and still very professional in everything he does.”
“We had challenges attracting more users to our site and connecting to more employers i.e. Clubs, Association, Governing body's about this new style of service which hasn't been there before for them.
Based on Todd's advice Matt and I made changes to the website.
Thanks Todd, that's exactly what I needed.
You are awesome :) Thanks very much and thanks for all your help, much appreciated."
New member registration to Functional Funnels Club is now CLOSED as Todd Molloy works with his current members to help them achieve the freedom, impact and financial security they want by designing, building, optimising and scaling their own high converting funnels.
However, rest assured that Todd Molloy will be opening access to new members again in the future...