Functional Funnels Thu, 24 Aug 2017 07:46:37 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Functional Funnels 32 32 The 10 Step Framework To Design, Build, Optimize & Scale A High Converting Funnel Tue, 04 Oct 2016 01:20:47 +0000 Have you ever thought there is a missing piece from the way you’ve been trying to get more sales? Something that no one is telling you about? Deep down you know there is something missing… … you’ve seen what others are doing, and what everyone is saying… …but then got frustrated you aren’t getting the […]

The post The 10 Step Framework To Design, Build, Optimize & Scale A High Converting Funnel appeared first on Functional Funnels.

Have you ever thought there is a missing piece from the way you’ve been trying to get more sales?

Something that no one is telling you about?

Deep down you know there is something missing…

… you’ve seen what others are doing, and what everyone is saying…

…but then got frustrated you aren’t getting the results you want.

I don’t think you’re crazy.

The truth is – you are not seeing the full picture.

The businesses that are profitable don’t follow the system that is commonly taught.

Free Quick Start Funnel Kit: Click here to download the kit including a free cheatsheet showing you exactly how to use the strategy from this post (step-by-step), a high converting sales page template, pre-written fill-in-the-blanks copy you can swipe and deploy and an easy to use spreadsheet to evaluate your results from step 6.

What seems like “conventional wisdom” is actually the completely wrong approach.

You May Think You Have a Traffic or Conversion Problem…

If you are currently struggling with getting visitors to your website, or converting the people that do show up, you may think you’ve got a traffic or conversion problem.

In my experience, after working with hundreds of businesses, I’ve found that’s rarely the case.

Low traffic and weak conversion numbers are just symptoms of a much greater problem.

Take the typical case of when I work with a business – they were usually tracking along okay, making enough to survive (but rarely enough to thrive). Then something happens that causes their traffic to drop, or become more expensive, and they are no longer profitable.

Companies like this contact me and tell me they want help with their traffic and conversions. Everyone’s always talking about traffic, traffic, traffic, conversion, conversion, conversion.

They think maybe I’ll help them tweak a headline or change their ad targeting and solve their problems.

But – that’s not where it’s happening.

The problem isn’t a traffic or conversion problem.

It very rarely is.


It’s a FUNNEL problem!

A lot of people dismiss this because they don’t think they have a “funnel”.

But here’s the truth – if you have a business and you have customers then you have some type of “funnel” (even if you call it something else).

If you have a business it’s because you have a way to:

  1. Acquire new prospects and leads
  2. Convert those leads into customers
  3. (and ideally) get those customers to buy more or buy more often

It might not be an optimized process (yet) but every business has some way of doing the things listed above.

For example:

  • If you are an author, speaker, coach or consultant you might use one type of funnel focusing on authority.
  • If you have a serviced based businesses you might have a different funnel focused around generating phone calls or consultation requests.
  • If you are a chiropractor, dentist, realtor, or pretty much ANY other type of service business… then you likely use a different type of funnel again – aimed at appointments.
  • And if you are selling e-commerce products or physical products you probably have a different funnel again trying to get online sales.

So regardless of your business type, every business has a “funnel”.

And the majority of businesses think they have a traffic and conversion problem…

…but time after time, the problem is not a traffic problem. The problem is you can’t spend enough to acquire a customer – and the way to fix that is to:

Fix Your Funnel

As Dan Kennedy says:

Ultimately, the business that can spend the most to acquire a customer wins

If you fix your funnel so that you start making two to three times more money for each customer then the whole game changes.

Suddenly you can afford to buy more traffic from more places. You can outbid your competitors. You can spend a lot more than you are now and all the while become exponentially more profitable.

So how do you do that?

How can you spend more on traffic even if you don’t have a systemized funnel process in place?

That’s what I’m going to show you in this article…

The 10 Step Framework To Design, Build and Optimize A High Converting Funnel

Free Quick Start Funnel Kit: Click here to download the kit including a free cheatsheet showing you exactly how to use the strategy from this post (step-by-step), a high converting sales page template, pre-written fill-in-the-blanks copy you can swipe and deploy and an easy to use spreadsheet to evaluate your results from step 6.


Before you can build a funnel you need to get clarity. For people that don’t have a marketing funnel in place the single biggest thing stopping them is their confidence.

The confidence that what you are going to create will work.

Because what if you spend all this time and money building this thing and it totally bombs?

What if this doesn’t work?

As an entrepreneur, the single most important thing you need to protect is your confidence…

And that confidence comes from knowing that what you’re doing is gonna be successful…

Which comes from having the clarity and knowing what you’re building… creating… selling…

Is something people actually want.

That’s why the first step for every client I work with is to run through the CLARIFY process.

clarify-processThe CLARIFY process is the most powerful way to discover exactly what your customers want, and how to give it to them in a way that makes people fall in love with you and you’re company… whether you’re a total beginner or currently running a successful business.

It’s the most complete, provide method for uncovering the unspoken desires, needs and challenges of your market and it dictates everything that happens in the steps that are to follow.

It’s also the reason why doing “market research” to come up with an “avatar” is a flawed strategy.

An “avatar” is only useful once you have your own large audience and you can develop an “avatar” based on YOUR audience. Not on some theoretical audience that you would one day like to have (but based on reality and results).

The findings you will get from the Clarify process then leads perfectly to step 2:


Your offer (along side the people seeing your offer) is the single most important part of your funnel.

It is more important than your funnel type, your copy, the benefits, your promises and everything else.

It’s how you make money.

If you can’t send people to an offer that converts then you won’t make any money and you won’t have success. Period!

incredible-offerYour offer could be in the form of an information product, software, a service or a physical product. It might be your own offer or it might be an affiliate offer.

And right now we just want to keep it simple. At this stage we don’t need trip wires and upsells and downsells and all of that.

We just want 1 really good offer.

Something that is irresistible and a no-brainer.

What if You Don’t Have Anything To Offer Yet?

What if you are just getting started?

In that case, don’t create anything yet!

If you don’t have your own offering yet, it means you are new to the market. So with that being the case you first want to make sure you can sell products in this market before you potentially waste time creating your own.

So if you don’t already have your own product or service to offer then find some appropriate affiliate offers.

Now of course you won’t make as much money with this initially because you will probably only get about 50% of the revenue. But if you do find an offer that you can make convert then the next step would be to replace that with your own product.

You can find out what’s missing from the affiliate product you are promoting, create something even better and more useful and then just swap out the products in your funnel and immediately double your revenue.

Now that you know a lot more about your market and have an offer to promote it’s time to:


The purpose of your first minimum viable funnel is to determine the likelihood of success.

It’s to see if there is a match between your market, your traffic source, the idea and copy in your funnel, the angle you are using and the offer you are presenting.

We don’t want to waste a load of time building a highly elaborate funnel, spending months and months and thousands of dollars, only to discover that it totally sucks.

The clarify process from step 1 will greatly reduce the chance of that happening, but we always want to validate things with real people and real numbers before moving ahead too far.

And here’s the thing…

What I am showing you in these steps is the real secret to designing, building and optimizing a high converting funnel.

Often what happens is you see someone’s final version. And it’s easy to think they just magically came up with it.

But that’s not true at all.

I like to point this out because we tend to compare our unedited footage to someone else’s highlight reel and forget that the real work was done behind the scenes.

You shouldn’t compare your first draft to someone else’s finished piece that has been polished and edited and improved 50 times.

The truth is – the best marketers actually start with small tests and small funnels.

It’s just that not many people actually see that. So by the time they open it up to the masses it looks amazing, but that’s not where it started and it’s certainly not where you should be aiming to start.

Our minimum viable funnel is made up of only 3 parts:

  1. A landing page with your offer
  2. Some way for people to purchase
  3. A thank you/delivery page

We don’t have any upsells or downsells.

We don’t bother with follow-up emails.

We don’t do remarketing.

We don’t use behavioral marketing automation.

We don’t do any of those things.

And despite what you often hear – we don’t even start with a squeeze page/opt-in page.

Free Quick Start Funnel Kit: Click here to download the kit. It includes a high converting sales page template and pre-written fill-in-the-blanks copy you can swipe and deploy (plus more).

Here’s Why:
Let’s say you are sending paid traffic to your funnel at a reasonable cost of $0.50 per click.

If you send 1000 people it’s going to cost you $500.

Funnel 1: Typical Funnel With a Squeeze Page

A good optin rate for a squeeze page is around 25%.

So this means only 250 people will see your offer.

A typical conversion rate for a sales page is 1%.

If your offer is say $49 then you will make (on average) 2.5 sales for a total of $122.5.

Let’s also be generous and say you pick up another 2.5 sales from your email follow-up with people that didn’t buy. That’s an additional $122.5 for a total of $245.

In this example you have lost $255.


Funnel 2: No Squeeze Page

Now let’s consider a simple funnel that goes direct to your offer page.

You are still going to get around 1% conversion however now 1000 people are seeing your offer. So at the same $49 you will be making 10 sales for a total of $490. Now you are just about at break even plus you have 10 customers instead of 5.


Even if you someone had an amazing opt-in rate of 40%. That’s 400 people that see your offer. With 1% conversion rate on the sales page and another 1% through email follow up that’s still only 8 customers for a loss of $108!

Not only that, but it’s more work to include another page, optimize it to try and get a really high opt-in rate, integrate your email service, write out the emails to get those additional sales, setup automations to remove customers from your follow up emails if they buy etc etc.

But right now, we want to see 1 thing – can you send traffic to your offer and convert people into customers?

I’m not saying we won’t have a squeeze page at some point. Just not right now… (and that you shouldn’t blindly start with a squeeze page just because that’s what everyone tells you to do).

For now let’s focus on just the bare necessities. Let’s get your minimum viable funnel built and your offer up.

But before we start running any traffic to it there is one more step:


For people that get their funnel built – the single biggest sticking point is the metrics.

Part of this is the technical setup and part of it is knowing what to do with their numbers.

You might not be sure what exactly you need to track and how to track it. Or you might struggle with how to interpret the metrics you have and how to use them to get better results.

So the first step is to ensure you have accurate tracking setup.

Whatever we track and measure will start to improve. And whatever we measure and report on will improve exponentially.

But what often happens is you don’t actually have accurate tracking setup or are tracking the wrong things.

And if you don’t have accurate numbers then every decision you make based on those numbers (if they are inaccurate) is going to be faulty.

But once you have the right tracking in place, there’s no more need for guessing, assuming, wondering, or hoping what you do will work.

The right marketing numbers tell you exactly what’s not working in your marketing — what to fix, change, tweak, or test.

With the right numbers, you as a marketer have a clear path of what you’re doing right, what you’re doing wrong, what needs to change, where it needs to change, how it needs to change, and why… so you’re able to very scientifically maximize your volume of new customers, sales, and profits.

But, the marketers who are not tracking every step, stage, and piece of their marketing are operating blindly.

Because they’re operating without the most important piece of information in this entire business — the numbers!

So for now just get your tracking setup properly. We’ll cover how to use those numbers a bit later on.

Because now it’s time to…


This can be quite a big topic and definitely too much to cover in detail in 1 article. But for the main part what we are talking about here is driving traffic to the first page in your funnel – your landing page that has your offer on it.

This could be from:

  • Your own list
  • People that follow you on social media
  • Your podcast
  • Your blog or website
  • Email ads (solo ads, banners, links, mentions)
  • PPC (FB, Google, Twitter, Bing, YouTube etc.)
  • Banner ads (including networks like outbrain, taboola etc.)
  • Native ads
  • and much more…

Generally I start with PPC traffic from Facebook and Twitter.

This gives you a lot of control over who enters your funnel and also allows you to turn it up or turn it off if you need to.

It also gives you a better gauge on if your offer will convert. People that are already on your list or follow you on social networks are more likely to buy your stuff and respond favorably than cold audiences. However there is only a limited number of people on your list and people that already know about you.

What we really want to know is how your offer converts to your market in general.

Once you get some traffic flowing and have at least a couple of hundred people visit your landing page we now want to:


Congratulations, you have a minimum viable funnel setup and have started running traffic to it.

Now what?

Now it’s time to look at some high level numbers.

At this stage we don’t want to worry too much about optimization numbers like your conversion rate or average time on page.

Instead we look at:

  • How much did you spend on traffic
  • How much money did you make
  • Your return on ad spend

Your Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) is the key number we look at when you first start running traffic through your minimum viable funnel.

The way to calculate ROAS is simply “Total Revenue” minus “Traffic Costs” divided by “Traffic Costs” as a percentage. If this number is negative (less than 0%) then you have spent more than your revenue. If it is positive (more than 0%) then you have earned more than you spent.

Note – this is not the same as ROI as it does not look at other costs you might have.

Here is a ROAS calculator you can use (complete with example numbers):

Almost certainly when you first run traffic through your minimum viable funnel your ROAS is going to be negative (less than 0%) because we only have a very basic funnel in place and your advertising is not optimized.

Free Quick Start Funnel Kit: Click here to download the kit. It includes an easy to use spreadsheet to evaluate your ROAS and automatically tell you what to do next (plus more).

Here’s how to evaluate your initial ROAS:

ROAS -50% (or worse)
If your ROAS is -50% (or worse) it means you spent (at least) twice as much as you made. In this case things are not looking great.

It will be hard to optimize that funnel to make it profitable and there is likely a mismatch between:

  • Your market
  • Your traffic source
  • Your ad copy/targeting
  • The idea and copy in your funnel
  • The angle you are using
  • The offer you are presenting

If this is the case there is a very high probability that you skipped over the Clarify process in step 1.

Either way, you will want to go back and re-visit step 1 because something isn’t matching up so you will need to try something else.


  • A different audience
  • A different traffic source (and/or ad)
  • A different idea for your funnel
  • A different message on your sales page
  • A different offer on your sales page

ROAS -35% (or better)
If your ROAS is -35% (or better) then things are looking good and you can move onto the next step.

ROAS Between -50% and -35%
What about the grey area of between -50% and -35%?

Unfortunately that’s your judgement call.

I’m trying to give you guidance based on my experience but that grey area is tricky. Without being intimately involved in what you have done so far it’s hard to know which way you should go.

If in doubt then I would be more inclined to go back and revisit some of the items listed above and see if you can get your ROAS up a bit.

The time you spend now in getting those things dialled in can be the difference between a mildly profitable funnel and wildly profitable funnel.

It may take a couple of loops and adjustments but once you have a ROAS of at least -35% (or are satisfied enough that you are ready to move on) let’s keep going and…


At this point we want to start adding on a few more pieces to your funnel to try and get the ROAS up. This MIGHT include:

  • A squeeze page at the front
  • Follow-up email sequences for buyers and non-buyers
  • A low cost front end offer that leads to your core offer
  • Upsells and downsells
  • Order form bump to increase the initial transaction value
  • Retargeting ads for each step of your funnel
  • Dynamic deadlines and integration with your emails
  • Continue to refine your offerings, pricing and messaging
  • Behavioral marketing automation to customize the funnel based on actions people take
  • Simple segmentation – a 1 question quiz to personalize the marketing based on each individual that enters your funnel.
  • And the many other ways you can build out a funnel to improve the results you get from it

I say these are things you MIGHT include because adding something on won’t necessarily improve your results. And each thing you add is another thing to optimize and another potential drop-off point.

As we saw with the numbers from Step 3 a squeeze page can often lead to worse results, however if you are not achieving the ROAS you want then it is something worth testing.

Also keep in mind that some of the items you add changes how you determine your results.

Instead of an immediate day 1 ROAS you will want to allow time for your emails, retargeting ads etc to do their job and generate more sales for you. In this case you will want to start looking at say a 7 day ROAS and a 14 day ROAS etc.

As long as you know your numbers you don’t necessarily need to be profitable on day 1 (in fact that is really, really hard), so long as you are profitable in an acceptable time frame for your business and cash flow.

As you add on each of these things first look to get something up rather than something perfect.

You want to be iterating your funnel and get up a crappy first version rather than trying to get a polished version the first time around.

For example, adding segmentation to your quiz is a great way to improve the response.

Based on your findings from the Clarify process in step 1 you should see the different groups of people in your market and the different problems they have.

Now when people opt-in you can ask people to select which “group” they belong to based on their biggest challenge. You can then use that to customize the next steps in the funnel. But using the iteration process it would look something like this:

  1. First Version: Just change the headline. Based on the 80/20 rule this will get you 51% of the results for 0.8% of the effort.
  2. Second Version: Change the first introduction paragraph on your sales page. This will get you 64% of the results for 4% of the effort.
  3. Third Version: Make a short little intro video that echoes back what option they selected and then introduces the content to follow from their perspective. This is 80% of the results for 20% of the effort.
  4. Fourth Version: Produce completely custom content specific to their situation. This is like 100% of the results but takes 100% of the effort.

Follow this same process for each part you add to your funnel.

All the while continue to send traffic and track your numbers to test if it does in fact improve your results or make them worse. So in conjunction with Step 7 you will also want to be following Step 8:


When it comes to optimizing your funnel the single most important question, is this:

What exactly should you be focusing on in your marketing funnel… And how can you dramatically increase the ROI you are getting?

You see every day, you and I have a million different options on how we can grow our businesses:too-many-options

  1. Find more traffic
  2. Convert more customers
  3. Build more products
  4. Redesign our website
  5. Split-test our pages
  6. And on and on…

When faced with this infinite number of choices, what do we do?

A little bit of everything!

Pretty soon, we wake up and notice we’re jumping from tactic to tactic.

No time to focus.

No time to go deep on the things that matter.

The truth is…

…you’ll always have an overwhelming number of options to grow your business.

It’s your job to decide on the most important levers to pull —

— the ones that move the needle —

and say “no” to the ones that can wait until later.

But with infinite options…

How can you possibly know which lever to pull?

Believe it or not, the answer is right in front of you…

…the answer is in your metrics.

So when it comes to optimizing your funnel we want to look at these numbers:

  1. Cost Per Click of your ads
  2. Optin Rate of your landing page (if using a squeeze page)
  3. Sales Conversion Rate of your offer(s)
  4. Order Form Completion Rate
  5. Upsell/Downsell Take Rate

And by looking at these numbers, you’ll be able to see the “constraint” in your funnel.

The one stage or step in your funnel that, when improved, will have the biggest positive impact on your return on ad spend.

So look at your numbers are try to improve the weakest link until it is no longer the weakest link.

Take a methodical approach to consistently adjust and optimize your funnel to improve your return on ad spend.

All the while focus on the goal of a break-even front-end funnel, and at the same time, so you can maximize the profits you are generating you will want to:


The majority of businesses are using only one non-optimized funnel at the front end and trying to get both a customer and make a profit from it.

However the whole goal of your front end funnel is to generate new leads and customers in a predictable, consistent and scalable way at a break-even cost (or break-even in an acceptable time frame).

The actual profit is made from your backend.

It’s the 2nd biggest mistake I see from people who are struggling to get to the next level. They simply don’t have enough products they can sell to their existing customers.

The more you can offer to your customers, the more money you make year after year because your customers are always looking for something else to buy from you (as long as they are getting value).

If you are not sure what products to create then loop back to the Clarify process in Step 1, but instead of focusing on the potential market, run through that process using YOUR customers. They will tell you what they need help with and you can develop products around that.

Here’s an example for an “information” based business:

  • Products similar in price as your front end product, but on more specific topics (in most markets these would be things like eBooks and video courses in the $20 to $100 range)
  • High end courses in the $200 to $2000 range (things like 6 week training programs or home study courses)
  • Coaching
  • Live events and/or workshops
  • A membership community

Personally I think it’s very important that at least one product in your evergreen back end is a recurring product of some kind like a membership site.

Not only is this one of the best ways to serve your customers and help them to actually achieve the results you are offering, it also provides stability of income from month to month and is one of the best ways to increase the lifetime value of your customers.

The GOOD news is that once you have developed your catalog of backend products, you can pretty much “set and forget” the marketing side for these products and keeping selling them over and over again.

This means that any new customers you get can be offered your catalog of backend products in a certain sequence.

You can connect all of your funnels together like train cars on a train.

People will enter one funnel, then move to the next one and the next one. This can all be setup in your marketing automation software.

You can add in feedback loops that provide a constant loop or feedback to improve your current marketing funnels and then starts them down the next funnel.

Once you have a backend in place it’s time to…


There’s all sorts of talk here and in other online groups about scaling. But here’s the thing… many business have trouble scaling because their customer value is simply not high enough.

When you’re doing a great job of maximizing your lifetime customer value (by building out your backend), you are NOW in the optimum position to scale your business to the next level.

This is because you’re finally able to spend more money to acquire customers as we talked about above.

The process of scaling once you have the above in place is actually very simple:

  1. Focus on one new traffic source at a time until you maximize it then
  2. Move on to the next traffic source
  3. Repeat steps one and two until you run out of traffic sources

A Review of The 10 Steps

We have covered a LOT in this article!

So to review, here are the 10 steps we covered that will allow you to grow your business in a consistent, predictable and scalable way:

  1. Get Clarity
  2. Develop and Refine Your Offer(s)
  3. Build Your Minimum Viable Funnel
  4. Setup Your Tracking – The Right Way
  5. Start Running Traffic
  6. Evaluate Initial Results
  7. Build Out Your Funnel
  8. Optimize With Metrics
  9. Build Your Backend
  10. Scale Your Funnel!

Once you’ve followed these steps you will have a thriving business that you can scale to whatever level you want.

Free Quick Start Funnel Kit: Click here to download the kit. It includes a free cheatsheet showing you exactly how to use the strategy from this post (step-by-step) (plus more…).

But here’s the thing…

…what I’ve just outlined for you is a very straightforward, somewhat boring way of increasing profits and growing your business.

But instead of being so obsessed with the latest software or “system” I challenge you to focus on those “boring” things that are practically guaranteed to grow your business.

Getting to the next level in your business is simple. All of the steps are outlined above. But just because it is simple doesn’t mean it isn’t easy. It requires focused determination…

It’s not a magic, overnight solution. There is some work involved.

But I guarantee that you’ll achieve great results if you follow it.

Get Free Access To The “Quick Start Funnel Kit”

To help you actually get those results I’ve put together the “Quick Start Funnel Kit” that includes:

  • A checklist covering all of the 10 steps (and sub-steps) so you can quickly see where you are and what to focus on next.
  • A high converting landing page template fully designed and ready to use (anyone can use this template – you don’t need leadpages or clickfunnels or any 3rd party software. I’ll also explain why you SHOULDN’T use those).
  • Included in the landing page template is pre-written fill-in-the-blanks copy you can swipe and deploy. This will get you up and running fast!
  • A “Results Calculation Spreadsheet” to use in Step 6. Just input the numbers from your initial testing and this spreadsheet will do the rest.

Click here to download your own “Quick Start Funnel Kit”.


Step 1 of 2

  • Yes! Todd, Please give me FREE Instant Access Now!

    Step 1 of 2: What level is YOUR funnel currently at?

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The post The 10 Step Framework To Design, Build, Optimize & Scale A High Converting Funnel appeared first on Functional Funnels.

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How to Setup Site Tracking In ActiveCampaign Fri, 20 May 2016 07:46:55 +0000 A common question I get from the ActiveCampaign community is how to properly setup site tracking and link it to a contact. I’ll show you how to do this properly in this post… What Is Site Tracking Every good marketing automation software will allow you to track visitors on your site and link it to […]

The post How to Setup Site Tracking In ActiveCampaign appeared first on Functional Funnels.

A common question I get from the ActiveCampaign community is how to properly setup site tracking and link it to a contact. I’ll show you how to do this properly in this post…

What Is Site Tracking

Every good marketing automation software will allow you to track visitors on your site and link it to people in your contact list.

This is really useful to see what pages your contacts are interested in, how active people are, and can also be used to trigger automations.

For example you could have an automation like this:

  • If someone goes to your first page of checkout you tag them with CHKOUT: Step 1
  • Wait for 2 hours and see if they still have the tag CHKOUT: Step 1
  • If so then send them an abandoned cart email sequence
  • If they complete the checkout you remove the tag so the abandoned cart sequence doesn’t get sent to them
  • (This works even better with event tracking)

Another example automation:

  • If some visits a page about a certain topic then tag them with that topic
  • Then send them a series of emails that gives them more information about the topic and sells them on your webinar (or other call to action).

The Problem With ActiveCampaign Site Tracking

The problem with the ActiveCampaign site tracking (and the missing step in their documentation) is how to link people on your site with people in your list.

If you can’t do this, then there is no way to tell people apart and the site tracking becomes pretty much useless.


Now theoretically if you are using the ActiveCampaign forms to capture your leads then site tracking should work out of the box.

Problem is – the ActiveCampaign forms.. well.. they suck!

I don’t use them and don’t recommend you do either.

If you don’t use the ActiveCampaign forms then you have to wait for someone to click through from an email before site tracking will work.

However it is possible to use site tracking and immediately link it to a contact with 2 simple steps – regardless of what you are using for your optin forms.

Here is how to do it…

How To Setup ActiveCampaign Site Tracking In 2 Simple Steps

  1. Pass their email to your “thank you” page in the URL.
    Most form providers will have an option to do this out of the box. The end result you want is a thank you page URL like this:
  2. Modify the AC site tracking code as per the code below.
    This first gets the contacts email if it has been provided in the URL.
    Then there is a modification of the standard AC code which checks to see if there is an email and if so it uses that.
    If there is no email it keeps this blank.
    After that is the standard site tracking code (don’t forget to update this with YOUR account ID).

There are other ways to achieve this and in my case I actually save the contacts email to a local cookie. I can then use this for both site tracking and event tracking.

Event tracking is really handy to track whatever events you may be interested in such as:

  • clicking on a certain link (or links)
  • mouse hovering over, well pretty much anything
  • focusing on form fields (i.e. an event of started form submission)
  • with a bit more effort percentage of videos watched
  • Really anything…

If you are interested in event tracking I wrote up a separate post about how to do event tracking in active campaign (including a free wordpress plugin).

The post How to Setup Site Tracking In ActiveCampaign appeared first on Functional Funnels.

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How To Do Event Tracking In ActiveCampaign on WordPress Mon, 25 Apr 2016 12:54:27 +0000 ActiveCampaign is a very impressive marketing automation software that is going from strength to strength. They are very active in developing new features. Often with multiple updates and additions to the software each week. And for the most part they are one of the more user-friendly options out there. The majority of features work straight […]

The post How To Do Event Tracking In ActiveCampaign on WordPress appeared first on Functional Funnels.

ActiveCampaign is a very impressive marketing automation software that is going from strength to strength.

They are very active in developing new features. Often with multiple updates and additions to the software each week.

And for the most part they are one of the more user-friendly options out there.

The majority of features work straight out of the box…

…however event tracking isn’t one of them. It requires custom coding and is definitely one of their harder features to implement.

In this post I’ll show you how to implement event tracking for ActiveCampaign on WordPress (including a free custom WordPress plugin I had developed).

Free Plugin: Download the free ActiveCampaign Event Tracking plugin that is explained in this post.

What Is Event Tracking

Every good marketing automation software should allow you to track how your users are interacting with your website.

ActiveCampaign does this with a combination of site tracking and event tracking.

Site tracking is a bit of code similar to Google Analytics where you place some code on every page of your site.

This code tracks what pages people visit and once ActiveCampaign knows who someone is (because they opt-in, login, visit a link from your email etc), then it will automatically show that information in the contacts record.

It’s great to know which pages people visited. This can be useful to see what topics someone is interested in, useful for lead scoring, it can even be used to start automations for something like cart abandonment automations.

But what if you wanted to know more?

Site tracking will show you WHICH pages your contacts are visiting, but it doesn’t show you WHAT they are doing on those pages.

Sometimes there are specific actions you want to track. Often this is clicking on certain buttons or links. For example to download a resource, or click to visit a certain page off of your site.

That’s where event tracking comes in.

Event Tracking Examples

A great overview of event tracking is on the ActiveCampaign website.

Some practical examples of where you might want to use event tracking are…

Started A Form But Didn’t Finish It
Maybe you have a form where you need to capture some information (like a quiz, for a consultation, or a feedback request form). It would be useful to know if someone started the form but didn’t finish it.

With event tracking you can track if someone clicks to start the form but doesn’t make it to the end and start an automation to encourage them to finish it.

Downloaded a Resource
Or maybe you offer some sort of lead magnet as an opt-in but you want to have different paths for people that clicked to download it and those that didn’t.

After someone opts-in you send them to the download page and want to track if they actually click to download your lead-magnet. With event tracking you can.

As Part of Lead Scoring
You could also use it as part of your lead scoring setup. You could track clicks on things like share buttons as an event.

Every time someone clicks a share button you could increase their score.

How It Works

For event tracking to work we need a couple of things:

  1. Know WHO the person is
  2. Track and record WHAT specific action they take
  3. Send both the WHO and the WHAT to ActiveCampaign via their API

Step 1 – Know Who Someone Is

There are a few ways we can know who someone is. Ideally if people login to your site (such as a membership site) you can know who they are.

That’s useful if you have a membership area. But even then it doesn’t help with people that have just become leads. In this case the two main ways we can know who some is are when they:

  • Provide you with their email (like opting-in for your lead magnet)
  • Follow a link in an email you send them

Whenever we have the opportunity to verify who someone is we want to store this information in a cookie. By doing this, the next time they visit your site on the same browser we will know who they are and can use that data for event tracking.

To achieve this always append a URL with the contact’s email address when you have it (like straight after they opt-in or follow a link in your emails). For example:

[html][email protected][/html]

We then use some code to get their email from the URL and store it in a cookie:

Note – you can modify this code to use a different variable name if “email” conflicts with something you are already using.

Step 2 – Track and Record Events

There are a number of events you can track depending on your use case. For this plugin we are going to track any HTML DOM events.

We use some javascript code with the AJAX onreadystatechange event. The code to do this is in the attached plugin.

Free Plugin: Download the free ActiveCampaign Event Tracking plugin that is explained in this post.

Then all you need to do is modify the specific elements you want to track by adding the event name and “ac_event(‘Event Name’, ‘Event Value’);”. For example:

You will want to use your own event names and event values as this is what will be recorded in ActiveCampaign. Here is where it will show up:


Step 3 – Send The Who and The What To ActiveCampaign

The final step is to combine the event that has been tracked with the user information (their email) and send both pieces of information to ActiveCampaign.

To do this we check to see if the users email is stored in the cookie and if it is we send this along with the event data to ActiveCampaign.

This plugin makes use of the ActiveCampaign PHP wrapper and event tracking via the API.

You will need to update the activecampaign.php file in the plugin folder with your API details:

  • Login to ActiveCampaign
  • Under your name in the top right go to My Settings > Developer
  • Copy the value of the “URL” field to the AC_URL constant in the script
  • Copy the value of the “Key” field to the AC_API_KEY constant in the script
  • Go to My Settings > Tracking > Event Tracking
  • Enable event tracking with the “Status” toggle
  • Copy the value of the “Event Key” field to the AC_EVENT_KEY constant in the script
  • Create the necessary event names under “Events”
  • Under “Events”, click on the link where it says “Event Tracking API”
  • Copy the value of “actid” to the AC_ACTION_ID constant in the script

This is how it should look once you are done (these are just example values not real values):


How To Put This Into Action

I have included a description of how this particular event tracking implementation works. I think it is important to understand what is happening before you go and start adding random things to your site.

With that said, here is a summary of steps to implement it for your site:

  1. Download the ActiveCampaign Event Tracking Plugin
  2. Modify the activecampaign.php file as per the details above
  3. Upload the plugin to your WordPress site and activate it
  4. Add or update any HTML DOM events you wish to track using this format:
    [html]domevent=”ac_event(‘Event Name’,’Event Value’);”[/html]


To make sure everything is working, first check that an email is being stored in a cookie.

Visit your website and append a test email that is already in ActiveCampaign.

Next view the cookie information stored in your browser (see details here).

You should see the test email stored. Here is a screenshot from Chrome:


And a screenshot from Firefox:


Next make sure you have something set with your DOM event (for testing I find a link to be easiest).

Now in the same browser where you just set the test email address in the cookie visit the page with your updated link (or other event), click on the link (or whatever action you setup).

The first check is to make sure you get a message in the Console of your browser. To access the console, right-click on your webpage and select “Inspect” or “Inspect Element” and then click on the “Console” tab. You should see a message like this in Chrome:


And this in Firefox:


If that all checks out okay then go ahead and check in ActiveCampaign under the test contact’s record. You should see the event is recorded in the “Site and Event Tracking” section. See the screenshot below for an example:


You can now use this in automations and for segmentation.

Important Note

I want to be clear that I paid to have this plugin developed for my own personal use, my private clients and members of my community.

I am providing a version here for free. However no guarantees it is the latest version.

If you want to make sure you get the latest version plus on-going support (and a WHOLE lot more) you can do that here.

Click here to download the plugin


Almost there! Please complete this form and click the button below to gain instant access.

Enter your name and email below and I’ll send you the link to the Event Tracking Plugin:

Your privacy is important to us and we will not spam you.

The post How To Do Event Tracking In ActiveCampaign on WordPress appeared first on Functional Funnels.

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What Is Marketing Automation And How Can You Use It In Your Business To Convert More Leads Into Customers? Thu, 14 Apr 2016 06:38:24 +0000 Congratulations you have just joined my “invisible list”. But don’t worry… I don’t know who you are. Instead the browser you are reading this on has been tagged with a pixel. …a pixel that has added thousands of people to my “invisible list”. But I’m not at my computer manually adding everyone. It’s something I […]

The post What Is Marketing Automation And How Can You Use It In Your Business To Convert More Leads Into Customers? appeared first on Functional Funnels.

invisible-manCongratulations you have just joined my “invisible list”.

But don’t worry… I don’t know who you are.

Instead the browser you are reading this on has been tagged with a pixel.

…a pixel that has added thousands of people to my “invisible list”.

But I’m not at my computer manually adding everyone.

It’s something I setup once and now happens automatically every time someone visits my website.

If you find the information that follows useful, or if you want faster results, you might even decide to optin. For example you might want to download a marketing automation kit that includes a complete automation template you can start using in your business right away.

If you do, my system will automatically move you to a different “invisible list” (and I’ll send you some awesome free stuff).

And even though I don’t know who you are, my system knows you are reading this on a browser. I’m also guessing that since you are reading this you probably have at least some sort of interest in marketing automation (but it’s only a guess at this stage).

However none of this is probably news to you.

You have probably heard of retargeting before and seen ads “follow you” around or suddenly appear on Facebook.

But what you might not know…. is how all of this fits into a much bigger strategy.

A much bigger system.

And how you can use a system like this to automatically convert leads into sales predictably, consistently and profitably and turns customers into delighted customers.


When used correctly, marketing automation can allow you to do this by tailoring content and messaging to specific segments of your leads, creating more personalized experiences for them – all on autopilot.

Taking this highly-targeted approach will help you close more deals, generate more revenue, and delight your existing customers.

But there’s a problem…

Actually, there are lots of problems…

  • Maybe you don’t really know anything about marketing automation and don’t even know where to start?
  • Almost certainly you have very little time to set up a system like this and – lacking a clear strategy – you haven’t got started?
  • Or you might be worried about losing your personal touch in your marketing?
  • Perhaps you get paralyzed when thinking about the whole thing and putting it all together. The tech, the copywriting, what to say at each point and when to send each message?
  • Maybe you started working on your funnels but quickly became overwhelmed with it getting too complex and how you’re going to split people into different segments at different points of the funnel and how to keep it all organized?
  • You might even be using marketing automation already but are not sure how to measure and track your efforts effectively so you can see what’s working and which areas need more focus?
  • Maybe you’re not quite completely confident that no glitches will affect your customer’s experience?
  • Or maybe you get the ideas and the strategies but are just not sure how to make it work for your own business?

These are all very real problems. And ones I had to face along the way.

But each of them is a manageable problem that I can help you overcome in this article and articles that are to come.

Free Kit: Download a complete marketing automation template that reveals exactly how to convert 2, 3 or even 10X more leads into customers.

But first let me answer an important question…

What is marketing automation anyway?

At its core, marketing automation is a system for keeping leads and customers engaged throughout every stage of their life cycle with your business.

This includes:

  • welcoming new leads
  • nurturing existing leads
  • converting leads into customers
  • onboarding new customers
  • delivering your product/service
  • continuing to support your customers into long term clients

It’s about sending the right message to the right person at the right time.

It’s everything you would like to do manually if you had the time…

…and putting it into a system that works on autopilot.

In ‘The Effective Executive‘, Peter Drucker says,

companies should embrace technology that makes existing processes more efficient

…and that’s exactly what a good marketing automation system does.

It can help you grow your business by eliminating human error, improving consistency, and increasing the quality of communication with leads and clients – all without the need for extra staff.

Think you don’t have the time to set this up?

A lot of people think the same…

…but think about how much time you currently spend on routine or mundane tasks that could be automated!

Instead of thinking about how much more successful and happy you could be “if only I had more time to focus on things that matter“…

…invest some of your time to implement a successful marketing automation system and you will actually have a LOT more time than you currently do right now.

Time you could spend on more important activities.

On growing your business… or even better… having some more time off to do what you love, to see your family more and to actually enjoy life.

The truth is… you don’t have the time NOT to implement a successful marketing automation system.

Here is how it fits into your business…

#1 – Attract People to Your Business

You first start with attracting people to your business and your website.

This might be from:

  • SEO
  • Banner Ads
  • Native Ads
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Adwords
  • Email
  • Affiliate/JV
  • YouTube
  • CPV
  • Offline Ads
  • Any other way people come across your business

When people land on your site for the first time, you don’t know who they are.

But even at this point your system can start adding them to your “invisible list” and also start tracking which pages of your site they visit and what content they interact with.

A large number of these people will leave your site.

But because you had retargeting pixels on your website and added them to your “invisible list” you can already start showing them ads as they visit other sites on the web and jump on Facebook for the 14th time that day.

And because you know what content they have already seen, you can guess at what might interest them and what might bring them back to your website.

#2 – Convert Visitors Into Leads

Assuming you have something valuable to offer, a certain percentage will provide you with their email address and turn into leads.

They might join your list or download a lead magnet or request some more information or contact you.

invisible-listYour system would then automatically update your “invisible list” to split out the people who became leads (because you don’t want to waste money on your ads or show people a message that isn’t relevant to them).

Instead your system dynamically adds your leads to a new “invisible list” so you can show them content that is relevant to them.

#3 – Nurture Leads Into Customers

At this point the majority of your new leads are not ready to buy just yet.

A lot of them will buy eventually… but it might not be for 12 – 18 months, or even longer.

So your system regularly keeps in touch with them by:

  • Sending useful content
  • Presenting irresistible offers to move to the next step
  • Learning more about what they are interested in and segmenting them within your list according to their interests and actions.
  • Dynamically sending them down different paths based on their behavior and what they do (and don’t do).

#4 – Delight Existing Customers

At some point a percentage will take the next step and buy something from you.

Now is not the time to drop the ball.

Instead you want your system to:

  • Help deliver your product and/or service
  • Gather any information you may need
  • WOW them with timely and relevant communication
  • Help them to get the most out of your product/service
  • Provide them with amazing support
  • Continue to engage with them
  • Learn more about how else you can help them and delight them as they become clients for life

Theoretically of course you could do all of this manually…

…and that’s certainly the way most businesses start out.

But if you don’t have a system in place to achieve all of this, then the return you get from all of your other marketing activities will not be as good as it could be.

Is it right for your business?

You may be wondering if this will really work for your business.

And I want to be clear, this isn’t right for everyone.

In my experience this is not right for you if:

  1. You are just getting started and don’t have an offer that converts yet
  2. You are currently getting less than 1000 visitors to your website each month*
  3. You have less than 200 people on your list*

*The specific numbers vary from market to market, but these work as a general guide.

It basically comes down to this – if you don’t actually have a business yet (i.e. you are not doing any marketing and you haven’t sold anything) then focus on developing an offer that converts.

On the other hand if you have a business that is getting traffic, a steady flow of new leads and are making some sales then the short answer is – marketing automation will have a shocking impact on your business.

This shouldn’t be a surprise…

…without an effective lead management and prospect nurturing system in place you can very quickly waste your marketing budget because it’s simply impossible for you or your team to chase every single lead and nurture every single relationship.

However businesses that use marketing automation to nurture prospects experience a 451% increase in qualified leads.

And not only will you get more qualified leads. But successful lead nurturing leads to educated and happy customers who make 47% larger purchases than non-nurtured leads.

To help you get started, I have put together a marketing automation kit that walks you through a brand new approach to marketing automation that 99% of all business owners have never seen and includes a swipe and deploy automation template you can start using in your business immediately.

In this kit you will discover:

  1. Behavioral Dynamic Response
    A brand new approach to developing and structuring your marketing campaigns and funnels. This will dramatically increase the percentage of your leads that turn into prosepcts.
  2. Shocking Stats About Your Leads
    New discovery reveals that over 50% of your prospects aren’t even seeing your offer. This kit gives you the cure.
  3. New: “Psychic” Sales Cycling
    Discover how to deploy a custom marketing sequence for each prospect …individually …by predicting their next move (and objections) based on their behaviour!


Almost there! Please complete this form and click the button below to gain instant access.

Enter your name and email below to claim your free marketing automation kit and convert more leads into customers:

Your privacy is important to us and we will not spam you.

The post What Is Marketing Automation And How Can You Use It In Your Business To Convert More Leads Into Customers? appeared first on Functional Funnels.

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Become The Only Choice in Your Customers Mind Fri, 16 Jan 2015 03:21:42 +0000 Dramatically increase the percentage of customers that choose you by adjusting the way you package your offers. Potential customers will no longer even think about your competitors. When a someone contacts your for the first time the first step is usually to talk to them to understand their requirements. Only once you understand what they […]

The post Become The Only Choice in Your Customers Mind appeared first on Functional Funnels.

Dramatically increase the percentage of customers that choose you by adjusting the way you package your offers. Potential customers will no longer even think about your competitors.

When a someone contacts your for the first time the first step is usually to talk to them to understand their requirements. Only once you understand what they want can you work out the best solution before making them an offer with the details of what they will get and a price.

But don’t you hate wasting time doing quotes only to have the prospect choose one of your competitors?
Select the middle option
It is pretty obvious that people are getting quotes from multiple companies and then comparing them.

In this scenario prospects are comparing you with your competitors.

However by adjusting the way you package your offers you can change things so they no longer even think about your competitors and are only comparing you to you to you.

People Are Clueless About Prices

William Poundstone, the author of Priceless: The Myth of Fair Value says this:

People tend to be clueless about prices. Contrary to economic theory, we don’t really decide between A and B by consulting our invisible price tags and purchasing the one that yields the higher utility. We make do with guesstimates and a vague recollection of what things are ‘supposed to cost.’

In otherwords people don’t know how much they should be paying which is why they get multiple quotes and compare competitors. They have nothing else to go off.

Part 1 – With and Without Breakfast

People have a hard time deciding what to choose when their options are very different. This is the case when getting quotes from multiple companies because everyone will present their offer differently and focus on different aspects.

It is hard for people to see what they are getting with one company and then comparing that to another company.

In an experiment done in the travel industry people were given the choice between a trip to Paris vs a trip to Rome. People had a difficult time making a choice because both sound like great options and it is hard to compare them to each other.

In this experiment a third option was then added. This time they were offered:

  • a trip to Paris that included breakfast
  • a trip to Paris that didn’t include breakfast and
  • a trip to Rome that included breakfast.

With this 3rd option added most of the people chose the option to Paris that included the breakfast. This is because it is easier to compare the 2 trips to Paris than it is to compare Paris to Rome.

How does this apply to you?

Instead of presenting just 1 offer you want to offer an option “with breakfast” and an option “without breakfast”.

In other words take your current offer and create a 2nd option. Remove some of the features and have it at a slightly lower price than your original offer.

Instead of comparing your offer with one of your competitors – which people find difficult. People will now easily be able to compare YOUR 2 options and then see the extra value of your current offer and be inclined to choose that.

Part 2 – Include a Premium Option

There is another interesting pricing experiment that we can make use of. This is also taken from W. Poundstone’s book Priceless.

It is about buying beer (something we can all relate to)!

In the first situation people were offered 2 kinds of beer:

  • A premium beer for $2.50
  • A cheap beer for $1.80

Approximately 80% of people chose the premium beer.

In the 2nd part of the experiment a 3rd beer was also offered. This was a really cheap beer at only $1.60. Now their options were:

  • A premium beer for $2.50
  • A cheap beer for $1.80
  • A really cheap beer for $1.60

Now around 80% of people bought the middle choice – the $1.80 beer and the rest bought the $2.50 option. No-one chose the really cheap beer.

In the 3rd part of the experiment the super cheap $1.60 beer was exchanged for a much more expensive $3.40 beer. Now their options were:

  • A more expensive beer for $3.40
  • A premium beer for $2.50
  • A cheap beer for $1.80

In this case the the majority of people chose the middle choice which was the $2.50 beer, a few people chose the cheapest option and about 10% chose the more expensive beer at $3.40.

Some people will ALWAYS chose the most expensive option regardless of how much it is.

How do you apply this?

Take your current offer and add in all of the premium options. Think about all of the ways you can make it better. And then also significantly increase the price. Price it so that you make a much better profit margin on it.

But also make sure you can deliver on it, as around 10% of people will chose this option even if it seems very expensive compared to your normal offer.

Part 3 – The Benefit of 3 Options

You should now have 3 packages you can offer to people:

  1. A “basic” option that is slightly cheaper than your middle offer but excludes some features. The purpose of this offer is to make it easy to for people to see that your middle offer is much better value.
  2. A “middle” option that is essentially your current offer.
  3. A “top of the range” option that includes the best of everything and is much more expensive. Price it such that it gives you the best profit margin and you will be happy to do the work – around 10% will choose this!

By doing this you have changed the question in peoples minds.

They are no longer asking should I go with Company A or Company B, instead they start deciding should I go with option A, B or C. The best news is – no matter which option they choose – they are choosing you!

Part 4 – Price Anchoring

The final concept to really magnify this is called price anchoring.

This means that the way you perceive a price depends on what you are comparing it to. And you can influence this by giving them another price immediately before.

Say you go into a store and see a watch advertised for $299. Next to it is a watch on offer for $2999. The 2nd watch seems very expensive!

On your way home you visit a wine store looking for a nice bottle of red. You first see a $600 bottle of Penfolds Grange but next to it is a $120 bottle of shiraz. This 2nd bottle seems like good value.

What this means is that when you present your 3 options to potential clients first present them the most expensive “top of the range” offer. And make it a LOT more expensive than your middle option. This way your middle option will seem cheap!

Putting it All Together

So here is what you might want to do:

  1. Take your current offer and pricing and set that as your middle option
  2. Put together a slightly cheaper option that is clearly less value than the middle option – this will make it easy for people to see that your middle option is good value
  3. Put together a top of the range, best of the best offer that is noticeable more expensive than your middle option and is at a better profit margin. But also make sure you can deliver on it, as around 10% of people will chose this option
  4. When presenting your 3 offers to potential clients start with the most expensive option first and this will make your middle option seem cheap in comparison.

What packages did you put together and how did you adjust your offerings? Let me know in the comments below.

The post Become The Only Choice in Your Customers Mind appeared first on Functional Funnels.

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Amazing 9 Word Email To Revive Dead Leads Thu, 08 Jan 2015 00:58:14 +0000 People spend far too much time and effort chasing after fresh leads when they usually have old leads that they have given up on. This 9 word email – which I originally learnt from Dean Jackson – can quickly flood you with new clients at absolutely zero cost. Free Cheatsheet: Download a free cheatsheet that […]

The post Amazing 9 Word Email To Revive Dead Leads appeared first on Functional Funnels.

Revive with Email

Amazing 9 Word Email to Revive Dead Leads

People spend far too much time and effort chasing after fresh leads when they usually have old leads that they have given up on. This 9 word email – which I originally learnt from Dean Jackson – can quickly flood you with new clients at absolutely zero cost.

Free Cheatsheet: Download a free cheatsheet that shows you exactly how to use the strategy from this post (step-by-step).

But first the reason why this works:

100 Typical Leads

When looking at leads that come into your business first of all think about a group of 100 leads.

Rather than focusing on 1 single lead and putting a lot of pressure on that 1 lead converting, think about what happens with 100 leads.

Of those 100 leads there are 3 possible outcomes for each lead:

  1. Some will buy right now
  2. Some will buy later
  3. Some are not going to buy at all.

That’s really the only 3 possible outcomes that can come from anybody in that group of 100 leads.

There is a good chance you haven’t looked at a group of leads like this and worked out your numbers but it is important to know the numbers in your business.

Now, 100 leads is a relatively small number – but we are thinking about it as a typical group.

The good news is there has been some really interesting research already done on this and how many people are likely to buy. And this research has been done at a massive scale.

The Percentage of People That Will Buy

You see there’s a company called The Inquiry Handling Service, and they are a company where at trade-shows or in trade publications or magazines, people can fill out a business reply card, and they send it in and the business will send that person information about something.

So, if you’re customers are looking through a home improvement magazine and were interested in say a particular type of tap, they can circle that on the card and send it in, and the Inquiry Handling Service will pass that on to the company, to send them information about that particular tap. There is the same sort of thing at trade-shows/expos and The Inquiry Handling Service also handles inbound telemarketing leads.

So, this company literally handle millions of leads across all kinds of different industries including the home improvement industry.

And what they found, by doing an analysis of when people buy, was they were able to identify patterns which applied to the home improvement industry.

Did You Buy?

The way they would get this data is they would do what they called “Did you buy” surveys.

They would call people up after 90 days and they’d say, “Hey, you inquired about taps a few months ago. Have you bought any yet?” And the person would say yes or no.

And then, they would follow up again, in 6 months, 9 months and 12 months. They follow up with a sampling of people all the way to 18 months after the initial inquiry.

And what they found was that just over half of the people, 50% who inquired about something, will buy what it is they’ve inquired about within 18 months.

Now, what they also found, which is the other important part, was that only 15% of them were going to buy in the first 90 days.

In other words, of all of those people that come into contact with your business only a small percentage are ready to buy now. And these are generally the very motivated customers that are already contacting you.

The Massive Value Hidden in “Dead” Leads

So, that means 85% of the value of a bundle of say 100 leads, is in being able to communicate and extend the relationship beyond those first 90 days.

That’s where the real profit lies and which 99 out of 100 businesses completely ignore.

Be Patient and Consistent and Reap The Rewards

Most of the time, people are largely impatient with leads.

They want to kind of squeeze the most they can out of the leads right away. And if they don’t buy right away, then they often get discouraged and think, “Those leads are no good. They were unqualified, or they’re just lookie-lou’s, or they’re not going to buy”.

So think about all of the leads you’ve already been generating.

All the leads that maybe you’ve got an email from or have written in a notebook, or did a quote for, or have in your calendar, or in your desk drawers, or whatever scrap pieces of paper most people use to write down leads or collect business cards, all those people.

If you even just start connecting with those people that you already have contact details for.. there’s a good chance that if it was more than 90 days ago, they might be getting ready to actually buy now.

So here’s what to do:

Collect Their Details

Gather up the name and email for all of your “dead leads”. All of the people that you have been in contact with at some stage that haven’t become a client. Even if this is someone you haven’t heard from in a couple of years.

Sort through all of your notes, drawers, scraps of paper, emails etc and collect the details of all of these people.

You might be surprised just how many names you can collect.

Send The 9 Word Email

You are going to send each of these people a very simple email.

The subject should just be their first name, ie. “Bob”.

The body of the email should be these 9 words:

“Are you still looking at getting [insert] [your] [service]?”

For example:

  • “Are you still looking at getting your kitchen renovated?”
  • “Are you still looking at improving your home security?”
  • “Are you still looking at getting a new patio?”
  • “Are you still looking at getting your house painted?”

Here is an example of how the whole email should look:

From: Renovating Business
To: [email protected]
Subject: Bob

Are you still looking at getting your kitchen renovated?

– Paul
That’s it!

Don’t add anything else to the email.

There is no need to include a phone number or your website or add in a reason.

Part of the reason this works so well is that it creates curiosity for your prospects. They wonder why you are asking and this and if they are still remotely interested in what you have to offer there is a good chance they will reply.

You may have noticed that the last example was actually 8 words! It isn’t specifically 9 words that is important. What is important is that the email is short, it creates curiosity and is open ended and it is asking a question. If yours ends up being 12 words that’s okay.

Focus on The Best

Sometimes people are worried about sending an email out to people they haven’t been in contact with for a long time. But this shouldn’t be a concern.

When you send this email 3 possible things can happen:

  1. They don’t respond – in which case you are no different from having not sent the email.
  2. They reply and say no (or some variation there-of) – this is not a bad thing because now you can remove them from your prospects list and at least you definitely know.
  3. They reply with something other than no.

Now quite often for the people that are still interested they won’t actually reply with yes. They are a bit hesitant and scared of being sold to.

Instead they might reply with something like “why do you ask” or some other non-committal response.

This is just as good as a yes because it means you have re-opened the conversation and can reply to them with more information just the same as if they had said yes they are still interested.

Have a Conversation

A key when sending emails to prospects is to take things slowly and not try to force everything in at once.

I think a lot of time people are worried about not including some information and that if only they include it then the prospect will be convinced to move forward.

But that’s not the way people work.

Emails should be like any other interaction with a person and they should be a 2 way conversation.

Think about if a door-to-door salesperson knocks on your door.

They usually jump straight into their sales pitch and you stand there for a good few minutes trying to get a word in and tell them to go away. As soon as they start on their pitch you aren’t even listening to them because you know they are trying to sell you something and all you are thinking is how you can get rid of them.

On the other hand think about if you run into someone at the shops. Maybe someone that you think you used to know but are not sure.

They might start the conversation by asking how you are – and then you reply. And you ask how they are. And they reply and ask you about how you know each other or what you are up to now. And you reply. And there is a 2-way conversation that slowly leads in a certain direction.

So when you are sending this email – the goal is to get a response and to start a conversation. That’s it!

Don’t try to sell them on anything in the first email. Don’t include any more information. Just a short, simple email that is expecting a reply.

And when people do reply with something other than no – you can continue the conversation (not sales pitch) and slowly lead them towards engaging in your services.

But My Situation is Different

Think your clients or your area or your business is different and this won’t work for you?


Every single business has different clients and works in different areas and do things differently.

But this isn’t about you, it is about human nature and humans are humans are humans.

So get to work, gather up your old leads and send out the 9 word email.

The worst possible thing that can happen is you will get no-one reply or get people replying saying to not bother them. Wow! Life changing!

The best thing that can happen – you are quickly flooded with new clients and cash in your business.

I would love to hear how this works out for you. To help you implement this strategy, I’ve created a Revive Dead Leads Cheatsheet that you can use to get your own 9 word email written and sent.

The checklist will show you:

  • How to quickly gather up your “dead leads” so you have lots of people to send your email to
  • How to prepare your own 9 word email include examples and templates
  • The 4 steps you need to follow to get this implemented in your business
  • …and more.

Click here to download the checklist.


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The post Amazing 9 Word Email To Revive Dead Leads appeared first on Functional Funnels.

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